Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Settling for less...

My search for a permamnent roof over my head in the 'Manhattan of the East' is getting hotter by the day (of course Mumbai's summer is complementing it in every possible way too) We have seen numerous places and liked quite a few too... but the eternal problem of the human race is cropping up time & again. The need for BBD, the bigger better deal. The house that i see is good, serves my purpose, fits into my budget... BUT... BUT... BUT... its not what i IDEALLY want, and if i do pick it up from the basket full of mangoes, then i know i will be settling for less!
Point is: how to beat this over-wanting / uncompromising / unsatisfied mind with that little bit less of joy??? I wish i had the answer, coz nobody i have come across has it yet. Its so very difficult to control one's desire... the desire to reach out to the next level, the desire to grow out of one's boots and touch the stars if one can. It doesn't matter if that comes at a crippling price, but the want is so great that its sometimes impossible to control the urge. Even if we dont need it in reality maybe. But then, who decides what u need and what u dont... its again ur innermost desires and there is no way u can squeeze it out like the pulp of an orange and live a peaceful life, can you? Naaah...